How to Create a Mini Set (and a Full Set)
Got a busy day? You can always pick just one T’ai Chi Chih movement as a self connection pit stop. Or you can get creative and make a mini set customized just for you. Here’s an example of how this can work, and then a full set because it’s still the best thing going! Mini…
Read MoreMapping Your Body Landscape
How do we locate ourself in the world? The Sensory Imaginal Body interacts between our physical body and our inner experience as a sentient being. A powerful way to engage with this integrative realm is with art: sound, image and writing. You can follow Part I of this class as an audio file or through…
Read MoreA Discussion: The Path Forward
An Unusual Class! We spent this week in conversation, an important challenge for embodiment! But we also had a chance to talk about what the unfolding pathway of the Seminar series, and the Embodiment Project as a whole might look like. Lots of great suggestions…but you may have more ideas that you want to email…
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